Now we will go to Furby's Point, where we find Uncle George Hare; his brother; his father, a very old man; and his brother-in-law, Matthew Gore. John Caswell, an Englishman, also lived there.
The Hares came from Belleoram in, say 1843, and found this Point [Furby's1 waiting for them. I have been told that the area was fairly wooded. George took land on the Point from where Samuel Hare's southern boundary is now located. He was a neat builder of punts and later skiffs. Mrs. George Hare was a Kelly, I believe. John was the oldest son of this family. Then came Mary, James, George, Thomas, and Robert. Mr. Hare and his wife have been long dead. Mary is also dead. John never married, he died at Sydney, with his brother Robert. James married widow Mary Matthews and was drowned with his son, Caleb, on a voyage to the West Indies in a vessel belonging to Thomas Moulton. Thomas also went to Sydney and became a Master Mariner. George went to Channel, where he married a Miss Hulin. He had been long dead. Robert and family lived at Sydney up to 1910 but I believe that they are now dead.
John Hare and Robert had their house where the house of William Northcotte now stands. John's wife was a Ridgley of Fortune Bay. No doubt they married before coming here as I find no record of it. Their family was Ester A., John, and Rebecca. Ester married William Buffett of Jersey Harbour. William [Buffett] built his house near the old people. He died some years ago. Later the house was sold to Joseph Dicks. Rebecca married Manuel Vatcher. They lived on Vatcher's Island. He [Manuel Vatcher] did not live long, dying of the family complaint. The widow [Rebecca (Hare) Vatcher], with her sister [Ester A. (Hare) Buffett, went to Sydney. John married a Buffett girl and took his father and mother to Halifax. Both are now dead.
Robert Hare was the youngest of these four sons. He married Betsy Mullet, of old Charlie, an Englishman who was the Church Sexton in 1860. The sons of this marriage were: James; Samuel; Archibald; and Thomas, the youngest I think, who died when about age 14. There were also daughters. One was Elizabeth, who married Stephen Vatcher. Both parents and two sons died within a few years. The other daughters [of Robert Hare]: Sabrina, Rachel, and Victoria all married and are living at Sydney. Rachel is a widow. Her husband was W. Hunt of West Burgeo.
The son, James [Hare, of Robert], married Susanna Smith, on the 16th of September, 1847. Mrs. Susanna (Smith) Hare was from Fortune Bay. James and Susanna had a large family. William married Mrs. Hibbert, a widow whose husband was drowned at the Barrisway in August 1859; both have been dead since 1910. George married Isabella Stewart, and built and lived on Frank's Island. He died twenty-five years ago; his wife five years later. Matilda married Amice Pinel. He died in December, 1900, of typhoid fever. Mrs. Matilda Pinel is living with her daughter Maud, Mrs. Vatcher, at Rose Blanche. The property fell to Walter who still occupies it. John married Susie King of Burnt Islands. John died in, say 1915; his wife died in 1921. The property is now owned by the son, Lewis. Betsy married Saul Gillam of Channel and died many years ago. Then Saul married the sister, Mary Jane, but she also died long ago. Samuel went to Channel before he was very old and married a daughter of Thomas Gillam. After the death of his first wife he married a woman from Fortune Bay and later moved to Sydney. I do not know if he is still living.
There were two sisters of these brothers, Mary and Madeline. Mary married Charles Bungay and Madeline married Matthew Gore. I will have more to say of these marriages below.
Matthew Gore, an Englishman, married Madeline Hare on the 6th day of December, 1844. No doubt Uncle Matt was a servant with Newman & Company. They had as family three sons, William, Ralph, and Samuel; and a girl who married a Belleoram man and is still living. William married Jane Anderson. They live at Mercers. There is a daughter of the marriage. Ralph died on a voyage from Oporto, say eight years ago, and was buried at St. John's. His widow, who was Susie Pike of Channel, lives there; the son at Halifax. There was also a girl who died ten or twelve years ago. Samuel, the youngest of the Gore family, lives on the old stand, in a new house. He has the same job the father had, "Keeper of the Public Store". He married, some years ago, a Miss Anderson of Channel, but they have no family. Now this covers the families of old Grandfather Hare's sons and daughters.
We now come to John Caswell, an Englishman, who came to Burgeo with Newman & Company and served them until they closed up in 1862. He then came to the writer's father and served for a number of years. John married Mary Hardy of Richard's Harbour. She was also a servant to the big house of Newman & Company. They were married on the l9th of August, 1849. They had as family John, William, Edward, and Henry. There were no daughters. John was accidentally shot, age 16, at Muddy Hole Point, in the year 1865. He lived long enough to be brought home. William married Mary Hatcher of Hunt's. He was a good carpenter and also clerked for the Co-operative Store until they closed up. He later sold his house and place to Thomas Moulton and moved to Sydney, where he still lives. Henry and Edward both moved to Sydney before 1900. Henry married Susie Dicks, daughter of my old friend Joseph. He was, in 1914, a steward on a steamer bound for England. The steamer and crew were lost. Edward married Mary Keeping of Burnt Islands. He died in Prince Edward Island a year ago, leaving a wife and family. Old Mr. Caswell went to Sydney with his son, William, and died there over ten years ago.