I now take up the outside portions of Burgeo. First, Our Harbour, whose people all came from Hermitage Bay. They could not have come before 1848 since I find no records of any births before that date by the names of people who were living there.

    Benjamin Harris and his brother, John, came from Grole. Mrs. Benjamin Harris was a Cribb, daughter of the famous old fisherman of that place. Mrs. Harris was a dear old woman and we clerks liked to see her come to the shop. They had a family of five. Two were sons, William and George. The latter died a single man, thirty years ago. He went off his head. William, being the eldest, took charge after the death of his father, who was one of the greatest fishermen in the whole place. The mother lived some years with him, as also did George. William married Edith Porter, daughter of old James Porter of Hunt's Harbour. They had a family and son James, a fine man' looks after the mother who is still alive and well. William has been dead over twenty years.

    Rachel [Harris] married William Coley who came there as a shareman [or shoreman] in 1862. They [William and Rachel (Harris) Coley] have one child, a daughter, now living here in poor health, and a widow. She was taken on the death of her mother, [Rachel], when still a child, by her Grandmother. The father [William Coley] went to Fox Island, married again and had a family of nine. Seven of them are boys, all living and as dark or black as their father.

    Ellen [Harris] married John Kendall, or Candle, as the name was spelt years ago. John was a shareman who came from Hermitage Bay in 1865. He died only last month, age 80. The widow [Ellen (Harris) Kendall] has been in the asylum for the insane the last four years. They had as family: Robert, Benjamin, John, and two daughters. Robert [Kendall] married Grace Eavis. They moved from Our Harbour to Burgeo Harbour in 1918. They bought the house of the late Josiah Dicks on Collier's Island. They have three sons living, two dead. Benjamin [Kendall] went to Gloucester [Massachusetts] and got ahead amazingly for one who never had any chance to go to school. He went to night school and worked hard. He got jobs on steamers and worked up to an engineer's position. I think he is a Chief. Benjamin returned home four times to see his father and mother. He was a very smart looking man and knew how to speak and act. He married up there somewhere. John [Kendall junior b. 1883] married [*Melinda b. 1890] Anderson, daughter of Robert of Furby's Harbour. They are having a family and live by their father's stand.

    Susan Harris, daughter of Benjamin [and ? (Cribb) Harris], married William Hann. She died fifteen years ago. They had two sons, George and William. The latter died at Gloucester, a fisherman, ten years ago. George and the father have been keeping a bachelor home for a long time. Jemima [Hann] married William Fudge. They had only one child, a young woman now. They moved to Sydney three years ago. William Fudge died two years ago. The widow, Jemima, and daughter are out to service. Matilda [Hann] married Matthew Street. Mrs. Street died long, long ago, leaving a son and a daughter, Captain George and Lizzie who married William Green. They are both still living. Captain George lives near the Court House. This covers Mr. Benjamin Harris' family.

    John Harris, I know little about except that he moved to Brazil in, say 1870, with his two sons, George and James. A daughter was married to one Matthew Brown of Rose Blanche. They moved to the Labrador years ago. They have all passed away as I find no one by that name there now.

    William James came from New Harbour. His wife was a widow Street, mother of Matthew, George, and Betsy. George died in the last sixties, unmarried. Matthew I have mentioned above as having married Mary H. Harris. Betsy Street married Benjamin Rose of Hermitage Bay. He came as a servant to someone in Our Harbour in 1860. Benjamin and Betsy were married in 1862. He and a son, only a lad, were driven off in a punt when a gale came up in the winter of, say 1880. He succeeded into getting into Vinal's Passage and anchored in a cove under Cuttails. Fishermen of the harbour could not get to him. Night came and the gale continued. When morning broke, no punt was to be seen; poor fellows. He left a widow and three sons: John, Matthew, and Benjamin; and two daughters. They moved into Muddy Hole and Mrs. [Betsy (Street)] Rose died of consumption thirty years or more ago.

    John [Rose, son of Benjamin and Betsy (Street)] took charge for a time. He married a daughter of Isaac Anderson and built on Bobbett's Island. He got ahead very fast. He owned a schooner with which he freighted and fished. He lost his life, schooner and all hands west of Isle aux Mort, when he was transporting a cargo of coal for Robert Moulton. This was mentioned before. They had no family. John Rose left a large estate of over three thousand dollars. His widow married William Billard of Grand Bruit.

    Matthew [Rose] married a daughter of George and Isabelle Hare. They first build on Frank's Island, later outside Muddy Hole, where we now find them. They had three girls and a son, George, who was killed in France during the war.

    Another son [of Benjamin and Betsy (Street) Rose], Benjamin junior], is living at Muddy Hole. His wife was a girl from Cul de Sac, Minnie Hamilton. She died in 1923. Their family is small, the oldest girl is 16.

    Elizabeth Rose married George Hiscock. They are living in Muddy Hole. George comes from LaPoile. They had a large family, four boys and three girls. Two boys died of diphtheria. George [Hiscock junior] married at St. John's. He volunteered for war service and served in France. Two live at home. Cassie [Hiscock] is at Halifax. Carrie Rose married at Halifax. Mary Rose married William Parsons. [He or she] died of consumption, leaving a son, Billy, who is a cripple, and a daughter, Mary, who married Andrew Mullins at Belleoram. They separated later. Andrew is living here; Mary at Sydney.

    Old William James was left a widower and lived around here for some time. He finally went to live with his son, John, at Cinq Cerf. William died there. He was, like his brother Joey, very witty and could always make a person [feel like] someone or something. This closes the James family.

    Next we come to Benjamin Green who came from New Harbour. He probably followed the old man as he married Ann Street, the stepdaughter, sister to Betsy. He was another of the great fishermen and cured it more than good. They had as family: Matthew, Rupert, George, and Benjamin. All are now living at Our Harbour and married. There are three daughters. Mr. Benjamin Green died many years ago. The widow is still living, an old woman but quite smart.

    [It is most difficult to sort out relationships in the paragraph that follows. We cannot be certain of the relationship, if any, of William Green to the Benjamin Green of the above family. It would appear, but we cannot be certain, that all the people Small writes about in the following paragraph, are descendants of William Green. Great difficulty comes from the use of the same names in different families. The most problematic name is that of Benjamin. Is Small writing about Benjamin, son of Benjamin or Benjamin son of William Green and Lizzie (Street) Green?]

    William Green married [*Elizabeth b. 1860]________ Street, daughter of Matthew Street. They had a large family. The boys of William's family are all married. George and Matt are living at Our Harbour and Rupert at Rencontre. He is a great boy. He lost a leg in the war. A number of girls are away and married. One is at home. One married Kenneth Hare at Halifax. One or two died at Sydney. George married a daughter of Robert Anderson, the second. Benjamin, married a daughter of Daniel McDonald and is living at Our Harbour. They had a family. Elizabeth Rose married George Ingraham of Hunt's, who died many years ago. Widow [Elizabeth Rose] Ingraham is still living. They had five sons and one daughter, who married Samuel Crant. The Crant's had one child. She died some years ago. The boys are: George, who married a daughter of William Strickland of Hunt's Island; Henry Martin, who married a daughter of Mecshac Meade of this place; Fred who married the widow of John Porter; John and Will at home.

    ________ married John Forward. They had two sons and a daughter, who married William Larner. One son, Sydney, now living in the States, married a girl from North at Halifax. The other son, Edward, married a daughter of Charles and Annie Matthews and is living at Halifax. The last daughter of Benjamin and Ann (Street) Green] married Andrew Hann. I cannot recall her name. This ends Benjamin Green's family.

    James Green was also from New Harbour. He had three sons. William lives at Otter's Point. John died at Hunt's leaving a widow, two sons, and a daughter. They are now living at Eclipse's Gut. The house of James Green, the old man, was where Andrew Hann now lives. James moved west with son Thomas long ago. He died at Isle aux Morts.

    Matthew Street, mentioned above, married a second time. The second wife was a daughter of James Ingraham of Muddy Hole, Hunt's Island. They had a son who was named Matthew. He was drowned from one of our Banksers at Cape Brazal, leaving a widow and three children. The boy, now a man and a cripple, and the girls, live with the mother who later married John Warren of Muddy Hole. The second Mrs. Matthew Street died long ago. Mr. Street spent the last years of his life with his son George, and died ten years ago.